VPN Site Management

This guide will walk you through setting up your VPN service to use a site-to-site architecture. Follow the steps below to add and manage sites in your VPN instance effectively.

Adding Sites To Your VPN Instance

Step 1: Access your VPN Service

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to you VPN Instances which can be found under the VPN tab.

picture 0

  1. Click on the VPN Service which you would like to configure, or you can click on the View button to the right of the VPN instance.

picture 9

Step 2: Add a Site to your VPN Instance

  1. From your VPN Instances page, you can add sites by clicking on the Add Sites button at the top of the page.

picture 10

  1. You will be taken to a new widget. You can include the Sites by clicking on the small -> arrow button next to them.

picture 11

  1. When you have added all of your sites, you can continue and finish the setup by clicking on the Submit button at the bottom of the widget. This will add the VPN service to the sites you selected.

picture 12

Step 3: Verify that your Sites have an Active VPN Connection:

1.. Confirm that your site has been added to the VPN service by checking that the device is active in your VPN Instance.

picture 13

Should you need to add more sites to your VPN Instance, you can complete the steps 2 and 3 as laid out above.

Removing Sites From your VPN Instance

Should you need to remove a site from your VPN Instance, you can follow the steps below in order to do so.

Step 1: Access your VPN Instance

  1. From your dashboard, navigate to you VPN Instances which can be found under the VPN tab.

picture 0

  1. Click on the VPN Instance which you would like to remove the site from , or you can click on the View button to the right of the VPN instance.

picture 9

Step 2: Remove Sites from your VPN Instance

  1. From your VPN Instance configuration page, select the Sites tab in order to manage your sites.

picture 0

  1. You will be taken to a new page, which will show all sites connected to your VPN Instance.

picture 1

  1. If you hover over your site, you will see a small trashcan icon, you can click on this button to remove the site from your VPN Instance.
    • You will be asked to confirm the removal of the site, click on the small check-mark after clicking on the trashcan icon. picture 2
  2. Confirm that the site has been removed by re-checking all the connected sites.
    • In our case, where we only had one device connected, we can now see that there are no devices connected at all. picture 3

That's it, you have now successfully removed a site from your VPN Instance.

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